Monday, March 28, 2011

Mollusk Discovery


Common name: Spanish Shawl
 Scientific name: Flabellina iodinea
Taxonomy: Animalia, Molluska, Gastropoda,
Nudibranchia, Flabellinidae, Flabellina, Flabellina iodinea
Characteristics: It's found in the kelp forests of the Pacific, feeds on coral, and when they feel threatened they flex their bodies and push themselves off of the substrate and float away.   



Common name: Molluska gastropoda
Scientific name: Voluta virescens lacertina
Taxonomy: Animalia, Bilateria, Molluska, Gastropada, Sorbeoconcha, Volutidae, Voluta


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Signs of Spring!!

Site 1:
When we first went outside it was 63 degrees. I saw some buds on a tree. I could feel a small breeze. I saw and heard a crow sitting on a light pole. 

Site2 :

I saw more buds and pine trees. I could feel the warm sun on my face. I couldn't hear much, only buses.            

Site 3:
At the pond I could see the water rippling and the trees swaying in the breeze. I felt a small short breeze and the sun. I could hear the trees moving in the breeze. We also found a cocoon.  

Site 4:
I saw more trees budding and reddish branches on a tree which was a sign of new growth. I saw a spider on the branch. On the way back to school we found a crawdad chimney.